
Friday, September 18, 2009


I alwayed liked "Alice In Wonderland" and I always pictured Alice falling down the rabit hole being welcomed to Wonderland so I felt that for the theme "Welcome" that I should draw it in a black and white: Alice being welcomed in a dark new weird world. -Kyle M. Dittmann

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Illustration Friday...on Monday

As a class warm-up and weekly project every Monday we will be drawing what the previous topic was. This Monday the theme was "Welcome".

It's just the beginning...

Hi and welcome to the blog for the Cartooning classes at Manvel High School in Manvel Texas! I'm your host Mr. Stovall and this will be the place to check out work that the students in my classes have produced either for class projects or on their own! So enjoy the ride and please comment!